Sunday, April 17, 2011


I did it. I survived the school year. I made it through the show season, turned in all of my essays (albeit late) and my number two pencils are dulled from all the exam writing I completed. Yet I'm still here and standing.

My room however is not. It is a disaster. My laundry has been piling up since my second to last show of the season and I'm literally left with nothing hanging. The contents of my drawers and closet are on the floor. While I normally try to post an image to make things a little more eye catching there is no way a picture of my room in this state is going up online.

I'm trying to find the time to organize my life post stress and am have difficulty. Where to start? The whole task at this point is so daunting.

I'm thinking maybe some positive imagery at this point to get the ball rolling?

Okay, scratch that; I'm just using it as a time waster.  Hopefully I'll be updating next with a post about how fabulous it feels to spring clean. But then again what are the chances of that happening?

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