Monday, November 15, 2010

Coffee and Term Papers

It's term paper time around these parts. Add extra curriculars and other time commitments to that and you're left with one exhausted co-ed. I'm sure I'm not the only feeling the crunch right now.

I know of only one tried and true way to make it through the term paper rush and into exam time. Coffee and lots of it. Some people swear by exercise or getting enough sleep, but not me. Hook me up with a vat of coffee, the stronger the better, and we're golden.

The great thing about this time of year is Starbucks Christmas coffees. On a really rough and rainy day; the kind that chills you to the bone, the best pick me up is a sugar filled latte off in a tiny nook of the coffee shop. For me, the atmosphere at Starbucks isn't as nice as some of the local joints, that emphasize seating and try to create a familial atmosphere, but nothing can beat a gingerbread latte.

How do you make your days special this time of year, when the days are getting darker and you're holed up in a library?

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