Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Washi Tape Walls

You know that giant wall area that I keep complaining about? The huge blank space that is just a screaming reminder about how ugly my current dorm is? The one I've done nothing to fix over the course of the past two and a half years? As you may know, I've been thinking of covering that wall with some sort of tape. I've been hovering between spike and washi (mainly because I already own a ton of spike tape). Unfortunately spike tape is meant to be seen easily for prop placement in a theatre; it's pretty much out of the question for decor. My glow in the dark orange is not the ideal wall covering.

I remembered coming across a blog from awhile back that featured a washi tape covered wall. One quick google search later and I came across this post from Little Green Notebook.
I think this image speaks for itself. I love the subtle pop of colour and the geometric shapes. I also love how it's targeted at renters. As a student living in a dorm I can't wallpaper, but I'm taking this as proof that I can tape my walls. This is my wall inspiration. 

In my searches I also found some beautiful images over at Hello Sandwich. Wallpaper sized washi tape! So pretty! I doubt I can find any of that over here. I'll be happy ordering some regular sized tape online and going to town. But seriously, look, so pretty!
I'm thinking of ordering this tape online.
I really love the colour. It will pop, it's fun and young and I'm hoping to hang up some black and white pictures as well for some contrast. I'll let you all know how it goes! Maybe even some before and after pictures?

How do you cope with the restrictions that come with renting a place, either an apartment or dorm? I'm so curious!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome ideas put together i find here.
